Stormwind Keep

Stormwind Keep on a relatively clear day.

Ahead, through the driving winds that never seem to touch you, you see the gates of the fortress looming ahead of you. Looking up, you see that the main tower of the fortress extends at least twenty floors up before it is lost to view in the clouds. You belive you might have caught a few fleeting glimpses of flying creatures that might be dragons--you're not sure if they were real or just your imagination. As you get within five hundred paces of the tower, an incredible phenomenon makes itself visible. Although there are gale- and hurricane-force winds blowing all around the castle, none of the roving gusts ever approach closer than a few hundred paces, creating a bubble of calmness about the towers and walls of Stormwind. Additionally, no wind touches you or even approaches the road. As soon as you reach this calm area, a small hawklike bird, most probably a kestrel, flies over to flutters uncomforably close to your face, and stares at in a manner that makes you think it's checking you out. With a cry, it wheels and soars back to a small window in one of the upper visible floors of the fortress. Now that you can see the detail of the castle, you see it is built simply--an outer wall with towers at the compass points, and an inner tower which is massively huge and extends into the low-lying clouds. The fortress appears to be constructed completely out of obsidian and ebony rock, increasing the aura of foreboding. When you reach the gates, two gray-uniformed guards open it for you, smiling. You note that the hawk that observed you earlier is perched on one's shoulder, and is making noises in his ear. You continue on and the scene is repeated at the base of the main tower. You enter.

The anteroom is sparse, but comforable. The walls are covered with tapestries depicting medieval scenery, mostly portraits of knights and sundry. Scattered around the chamber are several sets of tables and chairs. Several of these are occupied by various knights, soldiers, and courtiers.

At the far side of the anteroom are four doors, each marked differently. The first two have shields mounted on them, while the other two have only carved wooden planks with descriptions of their destinations.

Spiritus ShieldTemporus ShieldThe Paladins of the Temporus Rank -->
<-- The Paladins of the Spiritus Rank
The Knights Hall
The Main Keep
The Chapel

You also see a sign that says this:

This keep is being renovated. As a result, you may not be able to enter all areas. We regret deeply any inconvienence.
--Dimitrius, Paladin Instructor Superior

Music Credits:  Border and Gateway:  "Jerusalem", by Herb Alpert.
All other pages:  Wing Commander I and II.