The Conservatory

You enter a room filled with plants and caged animals of every description. Several, such as the canaries and other birds, are familiar looking, but several are not even remotely recognizable. Along the walls are various musical instruments, including several trumpets, a piano, and many winds and brasses and stringed instruments of every desscription. On the opposite side are a stack of crystals that glow faintly. A sign above says: "These crystals contain the reflections and recordings of many." You note that most are carved faintly with names and descriptions. A few in particular attract your attention.

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Theme From "Exodus"

Mastemind's solo in "Glory Train", at PA Region III State Choir

Piano Solo Number 1, thanks to Steve Blake for this file

Piano Solo Number 2, thanks to Steve Blake for this file

Piano Solo Number 3, thanks to Steve Blake for this file

We welcome any .MID files, small .WAV (less than 150kb), or URLs for those who want their talents showcased. We also welcome URLs for original artwork.