The Chartroom 
Western Ocean--Sea of Gersidia Continent of Northreach Eastern Ocean--Sea of Uncertainty

Dominating one wall of the chartroom is a large map of the known world.  There is beside it several keys to reading the map.
  • Light Green:  Grasslands/Plains
  • Medium Green:  Hills
  • Dark Green:  Heavy Forests
  • Light Blue/Green:  Tundra
  • Yellow/Brown:  Desert
  • Brown ^'s:  Mountains
  • Brown:  Major Roads
  • Magneta:  Country Divisions
  • Yellow:  Province Divisions
  • Dark Blue:  Oceans/Rivers/Lakes
  • Medium Blue:  Farthest Extent of Polar Ice in Winter
  • Light Blue:  Permanant Polar Ice
  • Gray Dots:  Cities--Size of dot indicates size, letters indicate more info is availiable.
  • Large Gray Dots--Capital Cities, refer to numbers for more info.

  • Major Known Countries:

    Ruler:  Sir Joshua Meholick, the Paladin
    Alliances:  None known
    Friendly with:  Natalsia
    Current Wars:  None
    Military Numbers:  Average
    Military Power: Immense
    Population:  c. 3,590,000
    Major Cities: 3
    Minor Cities: 5
    Fortresses of Note: 3
    Capital:  Stormwind Keep
    Major Imports:  Foodstuffs, Textiles, Lumber
    Major Exports:  Gold, Soldiers, Ships, Paladins

    The Northern Wastes:
    Ruler:  Apparently a desert tribesman named Narvahl, although he claims to defer to one he calls "Rava Shinma".
    Alliances:  None known
    Friendly with:  Morrowind, vaguely
    Current Wars:  None
    Military Numbers:  Unknown
    Military Power: Unknown
    Population:  Estimated at 27,000 or thereabouts
    Major Cities: One known
    Minor Cities: Numerous tribal groups
    Fortresses of Note: One known
    Capital:  Assumed to be the Holy City of Aidar
    Major Imports:  Metals, Modern Weapons
    Major Exports:  Rare Gems, Spices, Lar'il, Assassins

    Ruler:  Arina Wy'nara and Guansalin Kilnas
    Alliances: None known
    Friendly with:  Morrowind
    Current Wars:  None
    Military Numbers:  Respectable
    Military Power:  Respectable
    Population:  c. 7,110,000
    Major Cities: 6
    Minor Cities: 15
    Fortresses of Note: 2
    Capital:  Castle Raubvogel
    Major Imports:  Metals, Stone, Building Material
    Major Exports:  Grain, Fish, Lumber, Medicines, Poisons

    Major Known Cities/Fortresses:

    1.  Stormwind Keep
    Location:  Stormwind Province, Morrowind
    Capital of Morrowind Kingdom
    Known for:  Home of the Paladins of both major orders, and houses a large contingent of Storm Wizards.
    Major military center, but also a major cultural center, due to Sir Mastermind's patronage.
    Defenses are formidable, thought invincible, and are magical in nature.
    Population:  2,102 in the keep itself and immediately below, 17,819 including surrounding valleys
    2.  Castle Raubvogel
    Location:  Plains of Valea
    Capital of Natalsia Kingdom
    Known for:  From Raubvogel, the secretive pair of Guansalin and Arina weave intricate plots and plans
    concerning the fate of their nations and those around them.  Here also is the center of the massive
    intelligence network that Natalsia is so famous for.
    Population:  532 in the keep, 241,212 in the surrounding city.

    3.  Aidar, the Holy Desert City
    Location:  Somewhere in north-central Wastes
    Apparent Capital of Desert Tribes in Wastes
    Nearly inaccessible, and little is known of it.
    Defenses: Unknown, but presumed to be excellent.
    Population:  Unknown

    A.  Lightfall
    Home of the Storm Wizards, and their main training center
    Location:  Northern Morrowind
    Population:  4,121 including surrounding towns
    B.  Kalinka
    Major fortress/mercantile center protecting Morrowind's heartlands
    Location: Central Morrowind
    Population:  350,283
    C.  Narsholi
    Known as the "City of Exiles", consists mostly of refugees from the Civil War in Southreach.
    Location:  Eastern Morrowind
    Population:  798,899
    D.  Dawnbright
    Named thus because it was the easternmost city, and thus the first  to see the sunrise daily, for many years.
    Major shipping and shipbuilding center, and the home base for Morrowind's fleet.
    Location:  Southeastern Morrowind
    Population:  221,243
    E.   M'shkaal / Trade City
    A town formed for the express purpose of facilitating trade between the desert tribes and the citizens of Morrowind and Natalsia, with the side effect of allowing the tribes to conceal their locations and still conduct business.  Generally called "Trade City" by non-desert dwellers due to their inability to pronouce the true name.
    Location:  Eastern Wastes
    Population:  12,522