Pain and Trust

By "Black Lightning"

The greatest pain and sorrowLongsword

Comes not from beyond one's body

But inwardly from the heart and mind.

The pain and sorrow is not caused

By physical pain and agony,

But from the knowledge that you

Are alone and you can trust no one

Except your own mind and soul.

For these are the greatest pains man can feel,

Not the stab of a knife or the burn of a fire,

These hurts of losing one;

One you thought you could trust,

One you thought was an innocent friend,

One who eventually will betray you.

People all around are like this...

But some actually want harmony, peace, and friendship of all.

But the only way to find these people is

To step back and look at the evil in the world

And amongst the burning hatreds there is a soothing light.

It may be dim at first glance,

But as time goes on this light will encompass all,

And all will be encompassed by it.