Morrowind People

"Famous" Residents of Stormwind Keep. Most of them are well known in courtly circles across the continent.  

Sir Joshua Meholick, Paladin Spiritus

  • Title:  Lord Baron politically, Paladin Spiritus militarily
  • Hometown:  Strasath, Stormwind Province, Morrowind.
  • Current Residence:  Stormwind Keep, Morrowind
  • Race/Species:  Human
  • Age:  42
  • Height:  6'1"
  • Weight:  189 lbs.
  • Hair:  Very Dark Brown
  • Eyes:  Blue
  • Abilities: Leadership and Motivation, Government, Logistics, Trumpet, Voice (Baritone)
  • Combat Abilities:  Swordsmanship, Archery (Crossbow), Tactics, Strategy.
  • Weaknesses:  Physical Weakness, Repressed Inadequacy, Poor Eyesight.
  • Nicknames, Aliases:  Mastermind
  • Known Romantic Interests:  His wife, the Lady Baroness Esperanz Louise Meholick
  • Other:  Rides Bahamut, an old and powerful mithril dragon warrior.
  • Personal Characteristics:  The ruler of Morrowind, from his Keep in Stormwind, Joshua often is seen in the public eye as a bravura and a risk taker, and one who usually succeeds at that.  Inwardly, he worries much about his kingdom, and its residents.  He has many stylistic affectations, from his rose-tinted glasses to his midnight black cape, which he uses as props to camoflauge his basic insecurities with a dashing flair for a different style.  His chambers in the keep are liberally decorated with esoteric artworks and interesting verse, and a respectable portion of Morrowind's yearly budget goes toward supporting theatre, music, and the arts.  He's a consumate swordsman, an equally excellent archer, and a military tactician to rival the greatest in Earth's history.  He often finds himself limited in wars, though, due to his innate adherece to the Paladin Code, which forbids absolutely unnecessary taking of life, especially innocents.  A painting of him above, in court apparel, reveals him showing a bit of the weight he carries night and day as a Paladin-ruler of a major power.
  • Combat Characteristics:  Although weak physically in terms of the amount of damage he can take, he is capable of dealing out extraordinary amounts of punishment in melee combat.  He possess an innate willpower that allows him to carry on strenuous activity far beyond the breaking point.  He fights with sword and shield primarily, and always carries a tower shield in combat.  His swords are the Paladin Spiritus standard, with a short crystal sword, a mid-length silver sword, and a large claymore, and he is rated an expert in all three.  He tends to wear mostly leather armour, with no more than half of it covered in mithril plate, to increase his mobility.  He also shoots expertly with a crossbow or arbalest.  He has only one magical power, the ability to charge the very fabric of reality in a small sphere around him, rendering anything within it invulnerable to attack from without.  He can only sustain this for a scant minute or two at a time, however.

  • Johan Riord, Weathermaster

  • Title:  Ambassador or Weathermaster, depending on circumstance.
  • Hometown:  Lightfall Chantry, Morrowind
  • Current Residence:  Gaultheria Castle, Gaultheria
  • Race/Species: Human
  • Age:  25
  • Height:  5'10"
  • Weight:  172 lbs.
  • Hair:  Brown
  • Eyes:  Brown
  • Abilities:  Weather Control, Diplomacy, Self-Control
  • Combat Abilities:  Brawling, Wrestling
  • Weaknesses:  Temper, Protective Instincts, Weak Arete
  • Nicknames, Aliases:  Black Lightning
  • Known Romantic Interests:  None
  • Personal Characteristics:  Johan was born, raised, and taught in Lightfall, the home of the mages of Morrowind.  From an early age, he was a firebrand--but one with an exceptional innate affinity for the wind and the storms.  Recognizing this, his teachers decided early on that his career would be subtly pushed towards the diplomatic corps, in the hopes that such an education would serve to take the edge off of his fierce temper.  And it worked--to an extent.  Johan applied every last bit of his effort to his studies and his abilities, making him at age 24 one of the greatest Weathermasters ever recorded.  Additionally, his skills at the language and the letter of diplomacy were unmatched in his class.  However, this veneer of civilization has served to also increase the strength and ferocity of the temper underneath.  And there are ways in which the veneer can be stripped off.  Johan generally dresses as befits a diplomat of high standing, in a white tunic and trousers with a white cape and a vest of another color.
  • Combat Characteristics:  When he must use a weapon, Johan uses whatever large object is handy, be that a chair, table, the nearest enemy, whatever.  He mostly fights with a brawling style, though.  He tends to get involved in fights for the sheer fun of it, becuase although he's only of average height and weight, he's mostly muscle.  His weakness is his tendency to lose control in a brawl.  Also, he will rush into any combat unprepared if someone he feels he has to protect is involved.  This response is heightened for people who aren't capable of defending themselves.  In casting, he is a master of the winds and weather patterns.  He can create effects as mundane as blowing an object in a certain direction or as massive as causing a Coriolis storm straight out of the Southern Wastes and keeping it going for a day.  However, due to his innately weak Arete (a measure of magickal "will", as it were), Johan must spend inordinate amounts of time and materials to cast spells, especially more powerful ones.  The picture above shows his preferred defensive spell, the wind barrier--essentially a smaller version of the massive vortex around Stormwind Keep.


    Sir Loranar Pantrexis, Paladin Spiritus

  • Title:  Questing Paladin
  • Hometown:  Kalinka, Riord Province, Morrowind or the vicinity thereof
  • Current Residence:  Stormwind Keep, Morrowind
  • Race/Species:  Shadow Elf
  • Age:  28
  • Height:  6'3"
  • Weight: 166 lbs.
  • Hair:  Black
  • Eyes:  Black
  • Abilities:  Scouting, Survival, Hunting, Riding, Tactics, Motivation, Voice (Tenor)
  • Combat Abilites:  Swordsmanship, Archery (Hand Crossbow)
  • Weaknesses:  Loner, Exuberance, Poor Defensive Abilities, Slow.
  • Nicknames, Aliases:  Stone-Cold
  • Known Romantic Interests:  Married to Herala Pantrexis of Kalinka
  • Other:  Rides the emerald dragon Loranar, a notorious old prankster.
  • Personal Characteristics:  Loranar is a shadow elf, a race which rarely possesses the discipline and morals to be Paladins.  How and why he chooses to do it is a mystery, but he does, and does it well.  So well, in fact, that he's been appointed to the post of Chief Questing Paladin in addition to his duties as 5th Army Commander--both of which are historically gateways to succession as Morrowind's ruler.  Loranar dresses much the same in appearance if not substance as Mastermind--a burnished silver half-plate and black brigandine. However, his cape is hunter green.  Loranar can trail and track things well. He also can ride any domesticated animal reasonably well, given time. He cannot, however, tame wild animals. He carries a small hand crossbow and a pouch of quarrels for hunting, with which he is a decent shot. He can also forage for food well enough, if you don't mind eating strange herbs.  He tends to be taciturn and unfriendly, even to close friends.
  • Combat Characteristics:  Loranar carries the three swords of the questing Paladin--a 5' Claymore for large opponents, a 3' silver sword for repelling supernatural creatures, and a 2' crystal shortsword for close-quarters work. He is an excellent swordsman for all three but has a tendency to occasionally draw the wrong one for the situation--i.e., pulling the claymore in a narrow corridor. This leaves him rather vulnerable. He can fight with the two lighter swords one in each hand, but as a result he carries no shield.  He is as exuberant as any Paladin in the fact he tends to charge blindly over his head. His defense is poor, so he will be hit relatively often in a fight, although his armour helps that some, though he carries no shield. He is also relatively slow traveling without a mount, as he carries a rather absurd amount of weaponry. Expect to stop and rest fifteen minutes out of an hour if he's walking. He also tends to be fundamentally independent, so he's not quite a team playe when stressed.

  • Sir Daniel Grant, Paladin Temporus

  • Title:  Supreme General of Morrowind
  • Hometown:  Dawnbright, Sunrise Province, Morrowind.
  • Current Residence:  Stormwind Keep, Morrowind
  • Race/Species:  Near-Human
  • Age:  254
  • Height:  7'7"
  • Weight: 441 lbs.
  • Hair:  Grey
  • Eyes:  Brown
  • Abilities:  Leadership, Motivation, Logic, Brute Strength, Buearacracy.
  • Combat Abilites:  Swordsmanship, Strategic Planning, Tactics, Brute Strength
  • Weaknesses:  Low Stamina, Unwieldy Weapon, Single-Mindedness, Close-Mindedness
  • Nicknames, Aliases:  The Rock, Smite, The Immortal
  • Known Romantic Interests:  Widower of Beatrice Grant of Oasisi
  • Other:  Rides the emerald dragon Perya, a barely-adult aspiring wizard.
  • Other:  Deep scar from left jawbone to right temple, and many more elsewhere...more of him is scarred than not.
  • Personal Characteristics:  Not much is known by many about Daniel.  His origins are traced back to the pre-Paladin government of Morrowind, more precisely to the dark mages of the possessed Emperor, who strove to warp humans into perfect fighting machines.  Daniel was the last such near-human monstrosity created, and a pinnacle in every desirable respect but one--his force of will was such that he kept hold of his old values.  Worse for the dark forces, he kept it hidden until his training as a human war machine was complete.  During his subsequent escape to join the Paladins, he recieved a cut from a fellow near-human, forming the prominient facial scar.  He was instrumental in the victory of the Darkness Wars, and subsequently has served as General of Morrowind for every ruler since.  The soldiers consider him immortal by induction proof, although he considers himself flawed--he always refers to his race as a "Once"--as in once human.
  • Combat Characteristics:  There are entire companies of troops in Morrowind whose yearly salary is less than the cost of Daniel's sword.  Some of the most expensive, light, and durable metals availiable, the most refined smelting and forging techniques, and Daniel's pure strength all contribute to this weapon--a massive broadsword, nearly fourteen feet long, that's far thicker than normal, even a scaled-up normal.  He generally carries it unsheathed on his back, slung in the manner one would carry a lance.  Actually, it's manner of use is lancelike as well--he tends to merely draw it and swing it in sweeping horizontal arcs, back and forth...He's been known to take out entire squads of enemy troops with a single massive swing--however, he's also been known to be swamped by the next squad while he tries to reverse the blade's direction.  Hence the massive visible scar and the ones he conceals beneath his armour.  Generally he prefers to lead from the front whenever possible--or when Sir Mastermind will let him.  He makes a consumate fighter and general, and an even better dragonrider, as his weapon is capable of inflicting serious bodily harm on some of the strongest races of dragons, something most infantry can't claim.  As for his tactics, and strategies--they're unmatched by any except Sir Mastermind's grasp of logistics.  About the only thing Daniel doesn't really understand is retreat--at least his own.