Mastermind's Chambers

After ascending an immense spiral staircase, you find yourself on the roof of Stormwind Keep...Just above your head, the winds blow unabated, while you can see the tops of the clouds, and can just begin to make out Lake Riord, almost 200 kilometers away, on the horizon.  This fills you with a sense of awe, as you realize just how far up you are.  You then notice a small tower about a fourth of the diameter of the keep perched in the enter...

Inside, you find a room about 5 x 5 meters, quarters that appear to be a strange combination of spartan and indulgent.  A low sleeping pallet resides in a corner, alongside a small table with a pair of powerful-looking glasses and a pair of equally powerful-looking binoculars resting on it.  One wall is covered end-to-end with bookshelves, and these are filled completely.  On the opposite wall are two doors which appear to be closets or storerooms, which you ignore.  Between these, hanging on the wall, is a shield with a family crest on it, and a sheathed sword. On a stand in one of the corners is a half-suit of silver armor and a full suit of black leather armor, along with a black chainmail cape and a black chainmail cap.  The walls are liberally covered with various works of art, including two landscapes, an elaborately carved statue of the Virgin Mary, an equally elaborate gold crucifix, and several inspirational verses and lines.  The final wall not yet described has a workdesk against it--it's liberally covered with papers in various states of completion...


  •  Read the verses on the artwork...
  •  Read the paper on military strength...
  •  Leave a message on the desk...
  •  Read the description of Mastermind's fictional well as some other notable residents and friends...
  •  Go back to the second floor...
